a personal style blog by Lauren Pfieffer

Sunday, April 28, 2013

Senior Fashion Show.

Hello everyone!
I had a super lovely weekend attending the annual senior design fashion show with my friend Haley! I am so insanely proud to go to the third best fashion school in the United States and one of the top ten in the world. As seniors, design students get to create a small collection and work all year long on it and the best are chosen to present at a final fashion show. Senior merchandise students help put the show together and choreograph the models. The models themselves have to go through a one credit class the whole semester learning walking, posing, and other various aspects so it's a very serious honor. Just seeing this production this weekend made me feel more inspired than ever and sure that I'm continuing on the right path with the right major. The students at my school are so talented and I'm honored to be apart of this program!

My friend Jordi and roommate for next year was actually one of the models (see the above picture, second to the left!) and it was wonderful to get to see her. I'd have to say my favorite of the designers was either the 1970's free spirit collection with lots of white dresses, crochet, and floral embroidery, or the photo realistic 60's inspired collection with the high waisted polka dot pants. Want.those.now.

If any of you are considering majoring in fashion you should consider Kent State! It's a great liberal arts school that isn't as expensive as art school, and you get a true college experience. Feel free to email me if any of you are considering! 

Hope you all had a beautiful weekend ♥

With much love, Lauren.
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