a personal style blog by Lauren Pfieffer

Monday, October 7, 2013

Keep My Eyes Above the Waves.

Dress: Modcloth.
Floral Sweater: Forever21.
Riding Boots: Old Navy.
Necklace: Gift from Hannah.
Lipstick in MAC's Please Me.
Coffee: c/o Jazzman's (lol, just kidding. I wish).

Hello! ♥
Happy to be back on my beautiful campus and in my comfortable dorm room after a long weekend of being away at a fall conference with The Navigators. I really enjoyed myself, but trips always seem to be less fun when you get back to reality and the exhaustion kicks in. Sinus issues don't help either, but I'll make it through just fine!

I am definitely glad I went on this fall conference, but it didn't have as much of an impact on me as it did last year. But I mean, how could there be a bigger impact than giving your life to Christ? I suppose I have to think of it that way. I did come to a pinnacle of realization though on a thought that's been bothering me for awhile and it feels good to have released all of that anguish and frustration at the retreat. It's just one of those beautiful moments when you're worshiping and then you're overcome with emotion and can't help but fall down on your knees sobbing. An awesome and heartbreaking feeling all at once but it was one I really needed and it helped make the weekend feel worth it/impactful. I was also able to meet and connect with a lot of other NAVS kids new and old which I'm really grateful for because it always seems like I'm struggling to build relationships here.

I will say I am quite socialized out and look forward to spending some time alone the next few days catching up on my 'introvert' time. 

Hope all of your weekends were good! x

With much love, Lauren.
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