Navy Sailor Dress, Bow Hat, Silver Necklace: Tan Heels: All Thrifted.
Some days I look at myself as nothing short of a hypocrite. I live in this town, this awful, awful town. A town where beauty is held above all and wealth is like the key to the gates of heaven. Everything is just a contest. A silly little contest. The people, their lives are filled with trying to out do each other. It starts from the time of birth and goes until the final days of death. The cut throat and merciless competition among those of the same kind. It's relentless.
You're never beautiful enough. You're never popular enough. You're never wealthy, nor, friendly, nor happy enough. There's always someone breathing down your neck, waiting for you to fail. And when you fail, it is them that will take you place. They don't care about you or your life. Your heart nor your soul. They just care about being the best. The very best there is.
Sometimes I fall into their trap. Their grips take hold of my throat and cut off the last bits of precious air I have left. They suffocate me until I gasp and plead with my eyes as the light begins to fade. "Please, don't turn me into you" I cry in my mind. Don't turn me into you, what ever you do. I just want to be free. I want to live and breath and be happy. Please, just let me go...
With much love, Lauren.