Hello there everyone!
After months and months of waiting my senior pictures are finally here! Having them makes being a senior I guess... so...real. I've been thinking a lot lately about what it means to be a senior in high school. Simple things I take for granted now, such as sleeping in my own bed and seeing my family every day, will be taken away from me in just less than a year as I venture off by myself to college! The school year seems to be moving by at the speed of light... I already have two college applications completely filled out and I'm working on my third...my last homecoming is in such two short weeks... at the beginning of September I filled out my measurements for my cap and gown... All of this seems so surreal and I'm waiting for someone to pinch me to wake me up!
Anyways, enough chit chatting about all of my fears for now ;) I hope you all enjoy my senior pictures as much as I do! I couldn't be more happier with them and my photographer Cassidy did such an amazing job... It was so hard to pick which ones to order, and which ones to pick to show you all on here! All of the hard work of planning the session, picking out outfits, suffering in 100 degree heat, and driving two and a half hours away was well worth it though ❤
With much love, Lauren.