a personal style blog by Lauren Pfieffer

Sunday, October 16, 2011


Lace Dress, Nude Oxfords: Forever21.
Beige Circle Scarf, Nude Cardigan: H&M.
Tights: JcPenny's.

Hello there everyone!
I've been dying to tell you all a little incident that happened to me Friday at school... My first (and unintentional) experience with Marijuana!

I was in my painting class on Friday and these three trouble making kids went up to the second floor of the art room. I was thinking to myself how suspicious it was that all of them were going up there at once, and then this awful, awful scent hit me. I had never smelt anything like the aroma and was confused on where it was coming from. Then, all of it sudden it came to me what it was. I asked one of my classmates if the smell was marijuana, and my hunch was right... The whole room stunk of smoked pot and it was seriously so disgusting... I felt so sick, dizzy, and light headed that I had to step outside to just try and breath.

It's hard to believe that those three guys could be stupid enough to smoke pot in school, let alone in class. The whole room reeked, and my teacher did notice, however, he couldn't do anything about the incident because he didn't catch them in the act. My school is seriously going down hill.

Hope you all had a lovely weekend though :)
With much love, Lauren.

P.S. I am so excited to also announce that I made it to (over) three hundred followers! I want to thank all of you followers both new and old for all of the unending support you give me. I am so grateful for each and every single one of you and this is seriously a dream come true for me!
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