Pink Trench Coat w/ Black Piping: Kohl's.
Floral Dress: Forever21.
Teal Beret: Target.
Black Sweater Tights: JcPenny's.
Black Boots: H&M.
It's been quite sometime since I've written something meaningful and heartfelt here on my blog. Life gets away from me, and I'm lucky just to whip up an outfit post let alone write something in depth. But at my school, as well as, teenagers all over the country there seems to be quite a growing issue that saddens me to the core. Sexual promiscuity.
These days it's easy to find a girl to put out. Just go to any high school or college party and she's the leggy one who smiles at you coyly across the room. By the end of the night, you have her in a dark bedroom, taking her clothes off, making love to her. And you don't even know her name. You aren't her first, or her second, or even her third. Heck, you probably aren't even her forth. To her, you are just another guy to make her feel powerful and gain control in her life. To her, having sex isn't about love or even lust. It's about gaining a feeling of confidence in herself and using sex as a way to make herself feel beautiful.
Girls at my school and all over the world these days don't have enough self confidence in themselves to realize that they're beautiful. They don't feel confident enough about their body or their looks without having the approval of a man to sexually desire and want them. They can't gain self-confidence through natural and unharmful ways, but gain it artificially through selling their body time after time again to men, only after to be left at the exact same place they were before;empty and insecure.
Girls and women need to be empowered not by a man, but by themselves. They need to realize that they're beautiful without showing off all of their skin, without putting out to every guy who asks for it, and without always having a man by their side. Sex is not the anwser to feeling good about yourself. You are the answer to feeling good about yourself.
With much love, Lauren.