a personal style blog by Lauren Pfieffer

Thursday, February 16, 2012

Orange You Glad?

Orange Peter Pan Collar Dress, Cream Hair Bow: Modcloth.
Yellow Cardigan, Floral Purse, Cameo Necklace: Thrifted.
Tan Clog Heels: Target.

Ugh.ugh.ugh.ughhhhh. I've worked on my senior paper outline (which is pretty much the paper itself) like a maniac tonight and I'm not even close to being done. Stressed out doesn't even begin to describe how I feel right now. I am stressed x1000000. I feel as though no matter what I write or how much time I spend on this outline, my teacher is just going to find something wrong with it and mark me down anyways. I didn't do so hot on my introduction I turned in a few days ago and I felt confident about that turning it in...I feel super insecure about turning this 8 paragraph outline in because I don't even make sense to myself. I just can't form the right paraphrases and get the words in my head to type out on the computer screen. I just want this misery to be over with.

With much love, Lauren.
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