a personal style blog by Lauren Pfieffer

Sunday, June 3, 2012

Graduate ♥

Well guys...I'M A GRADUATE!
Today was a very surreal and life changing day in my life. Something that marks the beginning of a whole new journey for me as a person. I arrived at my high school for the last time as a 'high schooler' at 1:30. Seeing all of my classmates in caps and gowns was shocking, and I suddenly got so nostalgic, wishing I could go back again, just one more time. We filed out of the auditorium and out to the commencement. It was beautiful out today but SO windy. As soon as I stepped outside, in typical Lauren fashion my hat flew right off my head and I was left scrambling for it in a frantic rush before we walked onto the football field. Yeesh, can't even exit high school without being a klutz one last time!

The ceremony was definitely beautiful and meaningful. Two of my classmates got up and made speeches reminiscing about the days of learning cursive hand writing (which you never use and they tell you that you will), typing exercises, running the dreaded mil in gym class, Oregon Trail (the best!), awkward junior high dances, taking on the health babies, and so much more. I was super nervous when it was time for me to walk up to the stage. For one I didn't want to trip in front of thousands of people, and two I didn't want my hat to fly off! I cautiously made my way up when my name was called, everything a blur as I shook hands and heard my family scream my name.

I turned my tassel, being united with my classmates for the last time.Tossing my hat up in the air (but not too far where it got lost!) I felt such a sense of relief it was all over..I looked up into the blue sky, thanking God for absolutely everything.

When I saw my family for the first time after graduating it was so wonderful to give them all a hug, to see the pride in their faces. Seeing my grandmother cry when she hugged me was one of the most special moments for me. I knew how much she loved, cared, and was proud of me.

It's sort of silly, but when you walk onto the stage you actually don't get a real diploma- don't ask me why! I had to trek back to the auditorium to retrieve the little piece of paper that means so darn much...Seeing my name, Lauren Ashley Pfieffer, printed on it was the best feeling.

I leave high school feeling content, not sad. Maybe I will be sad one day but not right now. It doesn't feel real that I won't be going back, that I won't be walking those purple and gold hallways, banging my locked to get it open, avoiding the dress code police, and complaining that the school no longer serves peanut butter squares. I won't ever go back there again, won't ever see all my classmates in one place. In the years to come we'll all grow older, grow apart, fall in love, get married, have families, succeed, fail, and even die. It's a weird feeling growing up. At eighteen I feel still so young, but at the same time that I've learned so much and continue to learn so much at Kent this fall.

I want to make my family proud. I want to make you all proud. I want to make God proud. I want to make me proud.

Congratulations to the class of 2012

With much love,
Lauren Ashley Pfieffer, a high school graduate 
 P.S. I have a ton of emails, messages, comments and such from you all which I will reply back to tomorrow! It's been a whorl wind weekend and I appreciate each and every single one of them so much! I also plan on posting pictures from my party tomorrow; I figured this was a bit more important though :)
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