Hat, Lace Top, High-Waisted Shorts, Loafers: Thrifted.
Rings: Dahlia Contest Win.
Lipstick: MAC Russian Red.
Hello there! ♥
Today was a whirlwind day. My father came and picked me up from college and then drove me an hour and a fifteen back home for my job interview. Then we had to leave immediately after back for college because I had to give a mandatory speech for one of my classes. Whew, stressful day! I'll have to do it all again on Saturday because I have another interview to do at nine in the morning! (Yikes, that'll be an early one to wake up and travel for, but so worth it).
Anywho, the interview went wonderful. I wouldn't have said anything or done anything differently. I'm not going to worry and fret about if I get the job or not because really, it's out of my hands. Either they like me or they don't and there is not a single thing I can do about that. It's good to keep in mind that 9 times out of 10 there will always be someone better at interviewing or more qualified than you, so you can only do the best you can. I'm proud I was myself and answered the questions honestly. It's all about waiting at this point!
Hope you all are doing great ♥ I'm super busy this week...lots of school programs/work to do, catching up with friends, replying to my (overflowing) email inbox, job interviews, and sleep of course. Always have to keep sleep as a top priority ;)
With much love, Lauren.
P.S. This isn't what I wore to my interview; this was an outfit from a few days ago! x
Hello there! ♥
Today was a whirlwind day. My father came and picked me up from college and then drove me an hour and a fifteen back home for my job interview. Then we had to leave immediately after back for college because I had to give a mandatory speech for one of my classes. Whew, stressful day! I'll have to do it all again on Saturday because I have another interview to do at nine in the morning! (Yikes, that'll be an early one to wake up and travel for, but so worth it).
Anywho, the interview went wonderful. I wouldn't have said anything or done anything differently. I'm not going to worry and fret about if I get the job or not because really, it's out of my hands. Either they like me or they don't and there is not a single thing I can do about that. It's good to keep in mind that 9 times out of 10 there will always be someone better at interviewing or more qualified than you, so you can only do the best you can. I'm proud I was myself and answered the questions honestly. It's all about waiting at this point!
Hope you all are doing great ♥ I'm super busy this week...lots of school programs/work to do, catching up with friends, replying to my (overflowing) email inbox, job interviews, and sleep of course. Always have to keep sleep as a top priority ;)
With much love, Lauren.
P.S. This isn't what I wore to my interview; this was an outfit from a few days ago! x