a personal style blog by Lauren Pfieffer

Tuesday, January 14, 2014

These Are the Breaks.

Mint Green Rain Jacket, Pink Loafers: Thrifted.
Water Color Dress: c/o US Trendy.
White Dotted Tights: c/o OASAP.
Key Necklace: gift from my aunt.
White Beanie: Aeropostale.
Lipstick in MAC's Chatterbox.

Hi everyone!

This outfit is one that I loved wearing in person today, but it just didn't translate well into outfit photos. Sometimes that happens, and what can you do? The colors are off, the shape is off, my poses are off. Eh, oh well. One of my favorite parts about having a fashion blog is posting all stages of my style. The high points and the low points, the hits and the misses. Sometimes I think it's nice to have an 'off'' outfit here and there because it shows I'm not a perfectly glossy magazine. I'm real and sometimes my outfits stink--there's always room for improvement and growing though!

This morning I got coffee with a sweet gal who reads my blog named Angela! She's going to Kent for fashion merchandising, as well, starting this semester and it was lovely to sit down over a cuppa cafe mocha and chat. Meeting blog readers is literally my favorite--you all make me feel so lucky. I think about it quite often what it would be like to actually get to meet all of you and how exciting that would be. I'm hoping to meet some European readers when I'm over there this fall and of course, if you're from the Ohio region email me so we can get together sometime! I'd love to meet you.

With much love, Lauren.
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