a personal style blog by Lauren Pfieffer

Friday, June 13, 2014

Slow Down.

1960's Nautical T: hand me down gift.
Denim Mini Skirt: c/o Chicnova.
White Loafers, Gold Chain Necklace: Thrifted.
Gingham Hair Accessory: Aeropostale.
Lipstick in MAC's Lady Danger.

Hello ♥ 

These photos reflect the mood I was in today really well. Sometimes I just get down without explanation. It's been two years since I've been on 'depression medication,' but I think sometimes a common misconception people think is that once you start taking the pills, all of the sadness goes away. It doesn't. There are still days (like today) where it just kind of lingers over your heart heavily. Like I said, no particular reason for the sadness, and I think that's what actually makes me angry. I think about this spectacular life I am blessed with and that I get to wake up and breathe every day. That alone is enough for me. And the fact that I'm still sad when my life is perfect (not literal sense), but by that I'm alive and healthy. It makes me feel like I'm ungrateful, undeserving of God's graces He gives me, and I usually try all day to pull myself out of the bad mood. Usually it's without avail, and I just bring those around me into a grumpy mood, as well.

I know one full proof thing that always lifts this unwanted sadness though, and that's taking outfit pictures. It's as though as soon as I find that perfect location my car pulls up to, set up my tripod, and start 'posing,' my mind and thoughts drift away...my spirit is lightened and just feels so joyous, I can't help but sometimes skip between shots in eager anticipation of what I'm going to create next. I don't know what it is about taking outfit pictures that helps me. Perhaps it's the creative outlet. Being alone just by myself. Getting something accomplished. I don't know, but it works every single time.

You can kind of see the change in my facial expressions of these photos as my mood begins to change and I begin to lighten up and feel inspired and free. Just kind of cool to see, and it comforts me that this is something I can always do...no one can take it away from me and the peace I receive from it. x

With much love, Lauren.
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