a personal style blog by Lauren Pfieffer

Monday, September 15, 2014

Almafi Coast: Positano.

Pink Crop Top: Aeropostale.
Circle Skirt: c/o OASAP.
Bathing suit: JcPenney's.

Hi there! 

The second day of the trip we explored and relaxed in a local town to Sorrento called Positano. I actually thought it was much more beautiful than Capri; something about all the buildings going up the mountain and the fog on top was just breathtaking. It was a relaxing day with no activities planned-- just do as you please! I looked around at shops where they have beautiful linen clothes perfect for beach wear, but so expensive I could never afford anything. I did buy a little souvenir of a hand painted picture of Positano I got from a local artist for 20 euros. That's kind of a lot, but I felt like it perfectly captured the scene and feeling I felt in Positano that I hope to remember! For lunch I had the best pizza I've had in Italy yet, and sipped a strawberry smoothie on the beach. One of my favorite things was probably sitting at the shore line and collecting sea glass as the waves came in.

I actually didn't plan my outfit to be this top and skirt (not a huge fan of red and pink together!) but I had accidentally worn the top I planned with this skirt the previous day! It ended up going quite well and matching perfectly with my swimsuit though which you can clearly see beneath my clothing, ha. Just a beautiful day all around, really!

I still have photos to post from climbing Mt. Vesuvius and touring Pompeii. Want to get it up hopefully still today because I leave for Paris tomorrow for a school trip for five days! Sorry that all these posts are crunched together so soon-- I just have so much to share with you guys and it seems like not enough time to do it! x

With much love, Lauren.
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