Firework Sweater: Thrifted.
Dress Underneath: c/o Deb.
Black Heeled Boots: H&M.
Lipstick in Wet N' Wild's Rose Bud.
Hello ♥
I mentioned a few posts ago how I went thrifting over the weekend and this firework turtleneck was one of the items I got, ha. It's kind of horrifically ugly, but at the same time...charming? I don't know, ever have a piece of clothing that is inherently ugly, but something draws it to you at the same time? That's how I feel about this sweater. I placed it in and out of my cart so many times throughout the Goodwill trip, but in the end it won out a spot in my shopping bag over a denim jacket. Which I do regret by the way. Not regretting that I chose this over the jacket, but just that I left the perfect vintage denim jacket ;'(
Surprisingly, I am actually going home this weekend. It's only been two weeks since I've come back up for school, but I've found I'm just having a really hard time. It was a bad week in general and it's been harder than I expected to getting used to "real life" after coming home from Europe. I know a lot of people would say that going home doesn't solve things; that I should stick it out and whatever, but I just really need my family right now and am lucky enough to only live an hour and fifteen minutes away. It's not that I don't like Kent anymore or want to be back in my hometown...but I just want a little break to clear my mind from the burdens I'm facing and have some encouragement from my family.
I'm driving alone on the high way for the first time and I'm super nervous. I know...what 21 year old hasn't driven on the high way by herself...? I've just never really had to, so I never practiced it, and then I didn't have a car up at college my first two years. I know it will be fine and I need to get over the fear I've developed, but I'm honestly ready to get this drive over with tomorrow morning! Say a prayer for me, guys, ha. x
With much love, Lauren.