Snow flake Sweater: c/o OASAP.
Blue Pencil Skirt, Red Hat: Thrifted.
Cream Loafers: c/o Pink and Pepper.
Hello everyone! ♥
Was apparently wanting to match the weather today; a snowy, winter-y look! I always feel a smidge awkward when wearing pencil type skirts/dresses instead of fit and flare because my hips are just so much more...out there! I'm not embarrassed of them or anything, but it's different to have a silhouette forming so much closer to my body. It affects the way I pose, the way I feel...and I can definitely see it somewhat in my face/poses that I'm not quite sure what to do since I don't have a skirt to pull out and play around with!
I've been feeling super bad/guilty lately when it comes to an aspect of blogging I just am not as good of keeping up with as I used to be. In high school and even my first year in college I was super involved with the community around me; always commenting on other blogs, interacting with them, replying back to comments...and then when I started my sophmore year and things really started picking up in my life, I found I just couldn't do these things as much as I liked to any more and then it just became less and's gotten to the point now that ever since Italy I don't even read any of the blogs on my feed, but rather go to the direct URL of a few I love and just binge read a bunch of their posts, and I'm never able to comment really any makes me so sad. This community has always just been there for me so much through the last five years, and it feels wrong to be so distant from it. I want to be out there supporting you all; leaving the kind, considerate, helpful comments you do for me. But time just evades me every single day, and I find myself hardly having enough time to post myself anymore. I still love it, am passionate about this, and it never feels forced; but it is still a struggle to get pictures taken, posted, and such that by the end of all that there's not time or energy left for engagement. It discourages me because I guess I feel like I just can't keep up with it all. There's so many amazing girls out there I want to commend; I have so many great readers of my blog I want to get to know and answer ALL their questions...and when I can't, it makes me feel like a failure who isn't showing appreciation for all of the lovely people of this community.
I don't know. Something that's just really been on my heart lately. I'm so sorry if you've ever felt neglected by me or that I don't care. That breaks my heart if it's the case! I just have such a hard, overwhelming time juggling everything in my own life right now, that it's hard to juggle the responsibilities of this virtual life, as well. My apologies to each and every single one of you; I'm going to try to start doing better. x
With much love, Lauren.