a personal style blog by Lauren Pfieffer

Monday, June 15, 2015

Evening in the City.

Polka Dot Top: Aeropostale.
Black Shorts, Earrings, Oxfords: Thrifted.
Pearls: Gift from my grandmother.

Hello everyone!

Happy Monday! It was a dreary start off of the week here in NYC but it didn't bring me down. I had such a lovely weekend I'm still riding off the high.

Friday I had the day off for a summer Friday and just used it to wander around the city on my own. That's the fantastic thing about NYC: you don't have to have plans for the day, but just stumble upon them wherever you go. I did some window shopping, went to a museum, wrote in the park, and visited the Union Square market. It was just simply my first lovely summer day here in the city.

On Saturday I made my way to Rockaway beach which is south of Brooklyn and about a 1 hour and 10 minute subway ride. Not bad really! Being from Ohio, I haven't been to the beach in about 6 years and it was just so lovely. I have some pictures to share, and will write more about it in a later post! In the evening, I met up with a blog reader and we hung out on her downtown rooftop apartment as the evening closed. Simply beautiful.

Sunday I sheepishly slept in until 2:15--something I haven't done for a long while! But my body needed it so I didn't feel too guilty about relaxing. I sipped some coffee at a new favorite called Cafe Bene which has such a relaxing atmosphere. Then, I met up with my blogging friend Hannah (whom I also hung out with last weekend!) and we had a wonderful evening. She made us homemade pad thai and it was seriously SO good. The girl knows how to cook and I feel so lucky she shared her talents with me! We also both snapped some outfit photos outside (these above) and then headed off to church at Hillsong. The service was lovely per usual and it was especially spectacular to share it with a friend. To finish the wonderful evening, we got Ben and Jerry's ice cream to go and walked through the rain talking about the evening's message till we parted ways at the subway.

Although I certainty love work, there's nothing like the weekends here in NYC. Already planning the coming one out eagerly! x

With much love, Lauren.
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