Dress, Sandals, Necklace, Earrings: Thrifted.
Hello everyone ♥
Hope your weekend was well! I'm here at the end of Monday wishing it were still the weekend...it was just so lovely to really 'experience' New York for the first time and it left me craving more. I wore this outfit on Sunday to go out exploring and then to church in the evening.
I don't know if I've mentioned it on here, but I've been going to Hillsong! It has been just incredible. They are the artists' of my all time favorite song (that I've even thought about getting tattooed on me); Oceans. Not only do they have an incredible worship service with about 2,200 (per service!) people, but each week I'm so inspired and encouraged by the messages. I've never been to a church so on 'fire' like Hillsong and it's an honor to attend every week. I get chills to feel God's presence during service, and have found myself worshiping as passionately as when I first became a Christian. At the end of the day, it's not about the 'celebrity status' pastors, the expensive sound systems, and the worship band with a record deal. It's about feeling and connecting with Christ, and I do here. On such a deep level. New York City has been great to live in as a Christian because I just feel like I am constantly witnessing God's work everywhere I go. It's inspiring and instills in me the need to make differences myself, and per sue Christ more than ever in a city where I thought I would become lost: but I've been found. I find myself praying more, talking to Christ more, and just more excited than ever to serve. I pray that this fire NYC has ignited in me won't burn out when I go back to Ohio-- but continues to burn for the rest of my life! x
With much love, Lauren.