Hey guys!
It's been super rainy (and snowy?) here in Ohio which has been limiting my ability to take outfit photos. A friend of mine recommended the greenhouse we have at Kent State to maybe take some photos in. I ended up loving it! Over the past year or so I've really grown to love plants and studying living organisms. I bought a few succulents back in Novemeber and miraculously they're still alive! I want to buy a lot more plants to take care of since they bring such a nice atmosphere to rooms, but with moving approaching I need to hold off. That doesn't mean I can't enjoy all of the lovely plants at the greenhouse here and now!
I'm just fascinated by all the different textures of plants (see the last collage of photos above). They are so beautiful and an inspiration for different aspects of fashion whether it's designing or putting outfits together. The shirt I'm wearing is in collaboration with Ohio Explored and Echtra Outfitters. It's actually a perfect match for the location of these photos because for every one of these shirts bought, 15 trees are planted! Love the idea of promoting life and renewal in my home state ♥
Hope ya'll had a great weekend! x
With much love, Lauren
Outfit Details:
Red Shorts (super similar for under $30): Thrifted.
Straw Boater Hat (identical to mine): Thrifted.
Nude Cutout Oxfords (similar): Forever21 (old).