a personal style blog by Lauren Pfieffer

Thursday, February 14, 2013

Outfit Inspired By: Firework by Katy Perry with Lulu*s.com

Floral Brocade Platform Wedges (sold out, but here's similar): c/o Lulu*s.
Hair bow: Thrifted.
Ring: Gift from Kezzie.

Hello everyone and happy Valentine's Day!

To celebrate this beautiful, love filled holiday why not wear an outfit inspired by Firework by Katy Perry- a song about loving yourself.

I've been insecure since I was a young teenager. I think all of us are; some just choose to show it better than others. For me I never felt worth anything to anyone. All of the friendships I had during middle school and high school were abusive emotionally. Friends using me then dumping me, never showing true love or care for  even though that's all I gave them. It made me feel terrible about myself. Was there anything even special about me at all? Would anyone ever want me?

In 2011 Katy Perry came out with this song and I was a junior in high school. The first time I heard it, I admit I did cry 1. because I'm a crier and 2. because it was everything I had been feeling for years. It was all of my fears, worries, insecurities in one song- but letting me know that all these things are okay. It's okay to be insecure, but at the end of that day I need to realize that I am worth something. A lot, actually. I have a lot to show people and a lot of love to give, and a few bad experiences and insecurities from my past aren't going to keep me from all that I want to do.

Firework is about proving people wrong. Showing that you're special just the way you are as corny as it sounds, but it's true. I want to get a fashion degree, work for my dream company, and find a guy someday who loves me like no one else in my life yet has been able to. I'm going to get those things and I'm going to keep working hard to achieve my dreams. 

For this outfit, I wanted it to be bold and unique, just like the song says to be. My favorite color to wear is red- it makes me feel fearless and confident. Something that doesn't make me feel confident though? Tight dresses and sequins. But I was inspired by the song to be courageous, go out of my comfort zone, and grow as a person. My necklace is an infinity sign- perfect for expressing the fact that everything is infinite. Your possibilities as an individual, at being yourself. You are infinite, just as Perks of Being a Wallflower says. 

If you do anything this Valentine's Day, have the one thing be loving yourself. Prove people wrong, prove yourself wrong. You're worth it.

With much love, Lauren.

P.S. This is part of my month long collaboration with Lulu*s showing you all outfits inspired by my favorite songs! Here is my first post on The A-Team by Ed Sheeran if you missed it! x
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