Hey guys!
Not sure if it was all the good vibes you sent out after my last post, but I received some amazing news the other day. I've been posting updates on my senior project throughout the semester as I've progressed. It's been a lot of work and the center of much of my stress. I've been working so hard on it because the top portfolios showcase at an event in New York City to companies looking to hire. Since I want to live in New York City it is an opportunity I really wanted.
I woke up yesterday morning to an email saying I had been selected as one of the fifteen top portfolios in my senior class! I was half asleep so I didn't quite comprehend at first. And then I thought...maybe they accidentally sent this email to me! But no, I was chosen. I am so grateful, honored and excited. I put a lot of effort into this project, and it feels very gratifying for it to all pay off.
I'll be going to New York City the 18th and 19th of May to present my portfolio. I know I've posted a few previews of it on the blog (here and here), but if you'd like to take a look at the condensed project I turned in I have it up on my LinkedIn. This one is the gist of the important parts in my paper. You probably don't want to look at the 36 page one (ain't nobody got time for that).
Thank you all for believing in me and supporting in me! I think you all believe in me more than I believe in myself. Early 20's are quite the tumultuous period in life because so many huge changes happen. I'm lucky to have this little space of the internet with you all to have positive and encouraging interactions with!
Hope you all have a lovely weekend ♥
With much love,
Outfit Details:
Scalloped Denim Shirt: Thrifted.
Dark Denim Skirt (similar): Thrifted.
Lace Up Sandals (very similar): Wal-Mart