a personal style blog by Lauren Pfieffer

Sunday, June 2, 2013

A Year Already.

I can't believe it's been a year as of today since I've graduated. Oh how things have changed.

Nothing is really how I imagined it to be really. My life has been completely turned upside down since last spring and I'm not that same girl in the picture above. It was so interesting for me to read this post right before I graduated and this post immediately after. There is so much hope in my words. So much of a dreamer's voice and I just see a little girl who's scared that she's leaving everything she's known but excited. Even though it's only been a year, I can't remember what that feels like anymore, how I felt. 

All I can feel now is a peace and happiness with my life. Things aren't perfect. I struggle, I still get sad, and this summer hasn't turned out quite what I would have hoped for. But despite all of the trials and tribulations that we all go through daily I wish I could tell myself last year that it's going to be okay.

That you're going to love Kent more than you've ever have loved anywhere else. You'll join an incredible group of individuals and you'll become a Christian (something you never thought!). You'll have a tough roommate situation, but you'll pull through. You'll meet some amazing girls and guys who will show you what it's like to be loved by friends. You'll go on adventures, become addicted to coffee, and have a racist/sexist/anti-american teacher. The food is going to suck (but you'll make it through) and you'll have a few iffy, dangerous experiences but things will be okay in the end. You'll get to do a lot of 'firsts' like swing dancing, fall retreats, and going to a party. Oh, and don't worry about if studying fashion isn't for you. You're going to love it.

I hope that now I've gone through this first huge transition period in my life that I can take the ones in my future with better confidence. Before I know it, college will be done, I'll have to decide where I want to permanently live, what career I want to pursue, who I want to marry, and when to have children. Yikes.

To those of you who just graduated, the class of 2013; never think your dreams are too big for you or your expectations of yourself too high. Stretch yourself and BE uncomfortable. College will be the best time of your life, I promise. I have changed and grown into the person I'm actually happy with being. Put yourself out there and do what you want because there will never be another time in your life where it's just....you
You. Your dreams. Your journey.

Make the most of it because time goes so, so fast. 
Congrats class of 2013! ♥

With much love, Lauren.
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