Remixed Item: Magenta Lace Skirt, Forever21.
Woah, long time no remix post? January was my last one; now THAT I cannot believe! Since my outfit pictures didn't turn out that great today I thought I'd do a remix post instead of no post at all. For me it's always fun to go back through my archives and reflect on old outfits and how my style transforms. A favorite of mine this past year has been this full, lace skirt from Forever21. I bought it before I went to college and it stayed in my closet there the whole year, getting lots of use (much of it without photographic evidence, unfortunately). This skirt is the perfect length for tucking dresses underneath (see second photo) and looks great with an assortment of blouses I have in my closet. The color is easy to color block with which I did for most of my outfits. I'd like to find a floral blouse that has the same tone of pink though to do a more matchy look. I'm going thrifting tomorrow to see if I can find some things for the store so who knows, I might pick something up ;)
Would you all like me to continue doing remix posts or retire this feature? Let me know! x
With much love, Lauren.
P.S. Other remix posts;